Agile Scrum Values

An Agile Team is a highly efficienthighly effectiveself-organizing team.

The values presented here defines a successful Agile Team. In fact, Agile or not, these values are important for a team to succeed in ANY endeavors.


Commitment is a very strong word, scary at times. There are different levels of commitment:

“I will TRY”  (Bad)

“I will do my BEST”  (Good)

“I will do WHATEVER IT TAKES”  (Best)

Below is a popular fable in Agile to show levels of commitment.

Let’s ask ourselves: Are we COMMITTED or are we only INVOLVED in the project?

Organizational structure doesn’t matter when it comes to Commitment. Either members or leads, partner staffs or permanent employee, as ONE TEAM, we should have the same level of Commitment – (Pig-level, do whatever it takes!)

A Team’s commitment is:  Deliver each Sprint Goals and release the Product to customers on agreed delivery dates.

Yes, commitment is a scary word, but the simplest trick is (pro-tip) :  Team do not commit to what we cannot deliver. We take calculated risks. We plan to succeed, and not plan to fail.


Everybody in a Team must know where the Team is going – short-term (Sprint Goal – within 2weeks), medium-term (Product Release dates – within few months), long-term (Roadmap, Product Vision – years).

A common Goal is very important in a Team. Sprinting without knowing the Goal is like “headless chickens running”. Team might feel busy and over-burden but missing the Goals.

When adhoc or unplanned tasks comes in mid-Sprint, we always ask the :  “How will this affect the Sprint Goal or planned Release dates?”

Avoid chasing two rabbits at the same time – FOCUS!


Team members agree to be always open to each other. We speak our minds. Disagreement on an idea is perfectly OK.

We always ask question if we don’t know. No such thing as stupid question.

When there is a problem, we highlight and bring it forward. We don’t hide issues under the rag. We solve it together.

Information related to the project is public knowledge for the whole team. When new information or direction is shared to the Team Leads, we always share to whole Team as soon as possible.


We respect each other – everybody have their own expertise, strengths and weaknesses. We support and complement each other. 

We respect cultural differences, nationalities and language. We accept the need to adjust and live with our differences.

We respect existing processes, organization structure, workflow, or existing legacy code – although we will always find ways to improve them, we recognize there are reasons why things are the way they are.

We respect each other as fellow human beings, that have feelings and moods. We respect each others personal time.

We criticize ideas and work output, not the individual person.


We have courage to do the right thing – what is morally right and fair.

We have courage to take on difficult tasks and problems. We always look for the best solutions, not the easy ones.

We have courage to challenge ideas – even if going against Team Leads, Managers, or Stakeholders.

We have courage to admit our own mistakes and shortcomings.

An Agile Team is COMMITTED and FOCUSED to achieve the Team Goals, OPEN to each other, COURAGEOUS to challenge ideas, while remaining RESPECTFUL to others.

  • September 28, 2023